Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So i have narrowed down my topic and decided not to go twith the us and them approach. So i want to look and american junk food/snacks. the most popular and not so popular kind. and then talk about design and packaging, if it attracts people more, if it turns people away, etc..

Thursday, July 16, 2009

so far

in these first three i am seeing how color works, if i should just used text or incorporate images as well. i was thinking of having an icon relating to each food on the page, as seen in the drunken shrimp. as weird as some of the foods may be i was thinking maybe to add humor to something that maybe gross to someone else. not sure bout that though. will be posting more.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Starting to Play

starting to fool around. seeing if i like texture, or just color, or a combo. more to come.